
BRdata E-commerce Webinar / Transaction Analyzer

As the number of retailers offering e-commerce expands exponentially to match the growing customer demand, having an e-commerce site is now a necessity to remain competitive in this already competitive market.  Unfortunately, the per transaction, additional labor, and high annual fees of some of the leading platforms are making e-commerce…
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Conference Early Registration Extended / Cloud Additions

The initial conference session agenda has been established.  Once it’s approved by the user group board of directors, BRdata will begin the “calling all speakers” process to assign the user experience case studies.  Please contact me if you’re interested in presenting one of the planned case studies.  In anticipation of another…
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BRdata World 2018 Registration is Open

BRdata is pleased to announce that registration is now open for our next user’s conference, a three-day event occurring September 23-25, 2018. We are also excited to be moving the conference to a new location – The Fox Hollow, which is an exclusive Long Island conference facility, located in Woodbury,…
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Top Six Trends For Independent Grocers In 2018

by Adam Abbene, Sales Manager, BRdata In today’s hyper-competitive grocery market, independent grocers need to utilize every tool and technology available to optimize every aspect of their operation. In the months ahead, that means independent grocers will rely more than ever on cloud-based systems to enhance and complement their capabilities…
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Year in Review – Upcoming Trade Shows

I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful holiday season.  As 2017 ends, BRdata would like to reflect on this year’s accomplishments.  We are proud to report another record-breaking sales year, which includes a 20% growth in sales, and an increase in personnel to an all-time high.  We now offer a…
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BRdata Store App Released / Cloud Analytics

BRdata recently released the BRdata Store App for iOS.  The initial version includes our Meat Grind Log and Markdown cloud based solutions, in addition to access to our knowledge base video library.  The Meat Grind Log feature will empower retailers to easily launch a centralized grind log tracking solution –…
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Consumer Apps as a Tool to Build Customer Loyalty

Michael Abbene, Product Specialist November 14, 2017 Grocery shoppers have an abundance of choices these days. Not only can they select between stores in their immediate area, but now global online retailers will deliver right to their door. As an independent grocer, you’re in a great position to know your local customers’ needs better than…
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BRdata Brings Together More than 50 Grocers, Wholesalers and Technology Companies at 10th Annual BRdata World Conference

Michael Abbene, Product Specialist October 26, 2017 The impact of the Millennial Generation on retail services and technologies, the increasing importance of data and analytics, potential new federal legislation, and other trends shaping the independent grocery market were discussed at the recent BRdata World conference. Grocers also learned about the…
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Access Reporting Anywhere, Anytime Through the Cloud

Michael Abbene, Product Specialist October 18, 2017 Staying competitive as an independent grocer in today’s market means you need to act fast in response to trends and consumer expectations. Alternatively, you never want to make a business decision without thinking through the reasons behind it and potential implications. Real-time cloud-based…
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