The initial conference session agenda has been established.  Once it’s approved by the user group board of directors, BRdata will begin the “calling all speakers” process to assign the user experience case studies.  Please contact me if you’re interested in presenting one of the planned case studies.  In anticipation of another conference attendance record and partner participation, we have extended the early registration rate two weeks.

There are three noteworthy recent additions to BRdata Cloud.  The basket analysis reporting now has an Affinity Analysis report.  This utility allows you to track which items commonly sell with specific UPC.  Merchandisers and marketers can use this report for promoting sales through UPC likeness.  For example, when processing the report for hummus, it will indicate which items most often sold with the inquired UPC.  Additionally, the customer loyalty reports were enhanced to select quartiles of customers, indicating group ranking by customer.  Time is traditionally spent targeting the top 25% of customers in the first quartile, but the second, third, and fourth quartile can also use some attention.  This feature will quickly identify the desired customers to be queried.  We also added a transaction lookup report in the loss prevention section, which enables you to query for transactions that meet one or multiple criteria.  You can then drill down to see the details of each of the transactions.

Lastly, those of you who are familiar with the reporting from BRdata Profit Analyzer should be happy to learn that by popular demand, this functionality will soon be available in BRdata Cloud.  The groundwork has been completed to present the drill-down of store, department, category, sub-category, and item views of sales and profits.  These customary Profit Analyzer analytics will be accessible in web-based reports and dashboards – stay tuned.

As always thank you for choosing BRdata for your retail technology needs and for your continued support. 


John Abbene
BRdata |