April 28, 2017

Our newest addition to BRdata Cloud reporting can assist you with sales building and shrink management.  Woods Supermarkets, a twelve store supermarket chain with two c-stores based in Missouri, requested this report to use in their Deli and Bakery departments.  According to Sam Blaiss, Woods’ COO, “the new tool should help us increase sales on our feature items and have significant positive impact on reducing shrink.  We’ll be able to identify the items that are causing the shrink as opposed to hurting sales caused by an associate cutting back on everything to fix shrink.”  The cloud based report projects sales by day based on the last time the item was on sale with an option to add a lift factor if necessary.

Blaiss further explains, “Once high offending shrink items are identified, the tool will forecast the proper production amount by day.  The report has columns to track the amount staled from prior days and how many are left over that are saleable for the current day.  The tool tells how many to build to, the associate would subtract the amount that are still good to sell that day from the build to and you have the amount you need to produce.  The adjustment by item column will allow us to produce a minimum regardless of movement for presentation.  We also have the ability to adjust by lift.”

The BRdata Cloud app was released on both the iOS and Android platforms earlier this month and has been receiving positive feedback.  Now anyone in the organization can easily track item information, including item movement for all stores.  Future updates in May will include a dashboard view on sales and purchases.

As always, thank you for choosing BRdata for your retail technology needs and for your continued support.


John Abbene
BRdata | johna@brdata.com